Saturday 31 December 2011

LifeSpan Fitness TR100 Compact Treadmill

LifeSpan Fitness TR100 Compact Treadmill

Apartment living can be difficult for people who need their daily aerobic workout.  If you have very little room to set up your workout area, there are many compact treadmills on the market.  The LifeSpan Fitness TR100 Compact Treadmill is one of those products with some great features, specifically it comes as a fully assembled and ready to use and can be easily folded down to an 11 inch thin component for easy storage under a bed, in a closet or behind a door.  Coupled with a large easy to use console display, motivating readouts and quick speed buttons, the LifeSpan Fitness TR100 Compact Treadmill is a great product for students or people starting out on their own for the first time.

LifeSpan Fitness TR100 Compact

While the LifeSpan Fitness TR100 Compact Treadmill has a smaller workout area than most big name treadmills, with a belt size of 17" x 48", it still packs a considerable punch from its 1.5 HP continuous duty motor.  Most other comparable treadmills which sacrifice power for storage convenience can't compare to the TR100's .5 to 8.0 MPH speed settings, and certainly they don't offer built in heart rate sensors conveniently placed on the no slip hand grips.

The intuitive and easy to read LCD console, allows you to monitor simultaneous readouts and exercise profiles showing your progress for Time, Calories, Distance, Heart Rate, and Speed.  Five speed profile settings can be easily adjusted with cursor keys and quick start speed buttons, allowing for more control over your workout and progress reports.  An added bonus in this compact treadmill is the addition of a built in entertainment system, and while it's not as complex as other models out there, it still offers speakers and a headphone plugin for your workout listening pleasure.

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